Retro Entry via Single Screen
This window allows users to manually key or import transactions for prior pay periods and then enable the retrospective pay module to use those transactions to recalculate the pay.
- No prerequisites
Rules and Guidelines
- The user should be in the correct payrun environment to be able to key data for a given employee.
- When leave imported from ESS starts in a prior period and ends in the current (or a future period), Preceda will split that leave at the prior period end date. The leave from the prior period will be visible on the Retro Entry via Single Screen window and the leave from the current period will be visible on the Entry via Single Screen window.
- When data is imported using the Entry via Single Screen (M000471) mapper file, the data with costing or leave dates from prior periods will be added to Retro Entry via Single Screen while the data from the current period will be added to the Entry via Single Screen.
- Manually entered data on the Retro Entry via Single Screen can be deleted any time until the GENBACKPAY job is run.
- When the GENBACKPAY job is run, the data on this screen will become read-only and a message ("Retrospective Pay in Progress") will be displayed.
- The Retro calculation process supports average hours payments.
If the Retro transaction is on existing average hours payment, the original Average Worked Hours from Timecard Cost History will be used for retro adjustments.
If the Retro transaction is a new EvSS entry, (i.e., missing payment) the present Average Worked Hours as at transaction date will be used.
Field Information
Hours/ Leave

Type or select an Hours Type Code to use for payment to the employee.

Type the number of hours that are to be paid to the employee.

This field is available as an optional column when Prevar *PP_LEAVE_UNITS_AU Position 1 is set to Y.
This field can be used to enter the number of Weeks/Days related to a leave transaction, to override Preceda's default logic for calculating the Weeks/Days from the Hours Amount provided. For example, it can be used to update leave balances (i.e., Weeks for Average Hours Payments and the Days for Domestics Violence Leave payments, etc.)

For Leave entries, this is the date that this Leave Type begins.

For Leave entries, this is the date that this Leave Type ends. This will display the From Date as the default but can be overridden.

This is an optional and read-only field that can be added to the browse list.
This displays the Flexibility Payment Type description, as a read-only column, if the selected Hours Type Code is linked/ configured with a Flexibility Payment Type option. This is blank for a non-Flexibile Payment Hours Type Code entry.
An information icon is displayed next to the Flexibility Payment Type description in this column, which you can hover over to see additional information related to this transaction.

The date used to register the costing values.

Indicate whether the employee is to be paid regardless of being entitled to it or not.

This column is available and visible by default for employees with at least one Role record configured via Roles screen/ mapper, regardless of its effective periods.
This prompt list only includes Role Codes effective for the employee as at the Period End Date or Costing Date (if entered, where Costing Date is considered first). The Features configured for the Roles are also displayed in this prompt list.
To pay an employee against a Role, specify a valid Role Code. The pay calculation will subsequently use the role salary and role costing information if available. Otherwise, it will default to use the non-role salary and costing information.

This is the department where these hours are allocated.

This is an overriding Account number.
The account number entered is used to cost the entered units.

A Labour Costing number is entered if this value is to be allocated to one. Labour Costing 1 is used in conjunction with Multiple Roles.

A User Costing number is entered if this value is to be allocated to one.

Rate for these hours can be entered only if they are different from the Salary window. This new rate will only apply to this line.
If a value is entered, the Salary Code field must be left blank.

Enter an overriding salary code.
If this field is used, the Rate field must be blank.

Entry of a Calculation Method will override any Calculation Methods that have been entered on the Hours Type record or on the employee Tax window.

Was a Doctor's Certificate issued? This indicates which balance to reduce in the employee's sick leave entitlements.
Code | Description |
N | Do not reduce the balance of employee sick leave entitlements. Without Certificate |
Y | Reduce the balance of employee sick leave entitlements. With Certificate |
- This only applies to Sick Leave and Worker's Compensation.
- If the entry is for Worker's Compensation, enter the Incident # in the Comment field.

Indicate if this a continuation of this type of leave from the previous Payrun.
Code | Description |
N | The leave is not a continuation. |
Y | This leave is a continuation from the previous payrun and is recorded in the history file. |

Any comments or references can be entered and is recorded on the Leave History window.
Safety Module
- The Comment field is used to record the Incident Number.
- This will only apply if the Hours Type Code has a Classification of W.
- If an Incident Number is not entered, an error will be displayed.
- When the transaction is processed through a Payrun, the Hours Payment is automatically linked to the incident.
- This can be viewed through the Workers Compensation Payments window in the Safety module.
- If the Incident Number is not known at the time of entry, the transaction will still be processed. The payment can be linked to the incident after the Payrun via the Link Payments to Incidents window in the Safety module.

The reason for taking leave, only if the Hours Code entered is for Other Leave Type or a User Defined Leave Accrual Method. This is recorded in the Leave History window.
- A Leave Reason must be entered for Hours Codes with a Classification of O.

As hours transactions relevant to Training are inputted, the Course ID and Session ID must be entered. When the transaction is processed through a Payrun, Preceda automatically links the hours payment to the Training Course/Session. This can then be viewed through the Training History window .
- The Hours Type selected must have a Classification of Q.
- If the Course/Session ID is not known, the transaction will still be processed. The payment can be linked to the incident after the Payrun via the Link Session with Participants window.

When saved, the costing date will be validated and report any errors.
- Only valid entries will be processed through the Payrun. Any invalid entries will be discarded.
- If the Position 23 of Program Control PAY29 is set to Y, the Costing Date will be used for the change in SG calculation for U18 (under 18) employees. For the first week, hours must be entered into the field and the Costing Date can be any date within the first 7 days of the period. For the second week, hours must be entered into the field and the Costing Date can be any date within the next 7 days of the period.
- If the Costing Date has not been entered on one or both of the entries, the system will calculate SG using the standard method: total the hours and then divide by two to get an average weekly value and then determine if the SG is to be calculated.
- For time-sheeted transactions:
- If the Costing Date is entered in Entry via Single Screen, this will become the Costing Date.
- If the Costing Date is not entered in Entry via Single Screen, the Costing Date will be the last day of the pay period.
- If the employee is terminated and the Costing Date is after the termination period, the system will use the costing effective as the termination date, or if the employee is terminated, it will use the termination date.

This is only used for Forward Dated Leave.
Indicate if the leave transaction is to be suspended or not.
Code | Description |
N | (Default) Pay the leave in the current Payrun. |
Y | Suspend Payment until the date specified in the Suspend Pay Date field. |

Specify a date that is after the period end date defined in the PayrunHeader window. The leave will be paid when the Header Period End Date is equal to or greater than the Suspend Date.
- The field is left blank to apply a default date subject to the Suspend Leave Until option set in Program Control option PAY34.
- To enter a Costing Date, double click on the row to reveal a drill-down window.
Allowances/ Deductions

Any Allowances/Deductions that have been set up on an employee's record as standard are NOT displayed.
- If there is an existing record set up, any details entered for the same Allowance/Deduction code will override those details entered into the employee records.

These are Allowance/Deduction codes that are set to be included in this Payrun for this employee.

This is the number of units to be paid to the employee for the selected Allowance/Deduction code; a value of at least 1 must be entered.
- A unit value used to multiply the value in the Rate field can be specified. If a rate is not specified, the rate indicated on the Salary window or the value specified in the Allow/Deduct window is used.

The value of the Allowance/Deduction. This rate will be multiplied by the Allowance/Deduction Units and included in the employee's payrun.
- If overriding an existing Allowance/Deduction for an employee that is percentage-based, a percentage must not be entered. Rather, an actual value must be entered.
- By typing more than one zero in this field, the operation of an existing Allowance/Deduction for this particular payrun will be suppressed.
- The Overrides window should be used to suppress the payment of all the employee's allowances/deductions.

This is the Costing Date to be used.

This column is available and visible by default for employees with at least one Role record configured via Roles screen/ mapper, regardless of its effective periods.
This prompt list only includes Role Codes effective for the employee as at the Period End Date or Costing Date (if entered, where Costing Date is considered first). The Features configured for the Roles are also displayed in this prompt list.
To pay an employee against a Role, specify a valid Role Code. The Allow/Deduct transaction will subsequently be recorded against the Role. However, there is no standard Allow/Deduct set up against employee roles. The Allow/Deduct Code, units and rate must be specified in this transaction to be processed.

This is used if hours are to allocated to a department.

This is used if hours are to be allocated to a General Ledger account number.

Enter the Recipient for the selected Allowance/Deduction Code, if applicable.